Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ways to Use Blogs in a Classroom
Teachers can use blogs to:
· Post class related information.
· Post assignments based on literature readings and have students respond.
· Communicate with other teachers, parents, members and anyone else interested in what students are doing.
· Post prompts for writing.
· Provide examples of class work or explanations of concepts.
· Provide online readings for your students to read, research, and react to.
· Gather and organize internet resources.
· Invite student comments on any issues in order to give them an opportunity to develop writing skills..
· Showcase students’ questions, observations, work, ideas, art, poetry and creative stories.
· Create a dynamic teaching site.
· Link your class with another class somewhere else in the world.
· Create an online book club

How to Make a Blog
· Simply go log on to the internet
· Go to
· Create an account (user name, password.)
· Create your own page (get started)
· Choose title and address.
· Choose template.
· Type and format your message.
· Save as a draft or publish.
· Add pictures
If you would like to print this information as a brochure, go to the following links:
Page 1 & Page 2

You can also view a powerpoint presentation about Learning blogs.

You may also wish to visit another excellent blog on blogging at

Ways I Will Use Blogs In My Classroom
I plan to use blogs in my classroom in a variety of ways. Each student in my classroom will have access to the main classroom blog. This will give each student skills of how to use the technology and be able to learn from other students. All homework assignments, due dates and instructions will be posted on the blog. Student will need to open the blog, do the assignments and post them to the teacher’s blog response. There also will be book sharing, where each student reads a book, then, on the due date, each student will share 1. Title of the book. 2. Main character and the other characters. 3. Setting. 4. Adventures. 5. Plots. 6. Problems. 7. Resolution, and other information that will be important for student learning. I hope to have more than 3 computers in my classroom or in our library. There will be also weekly journals where students will have to reflect on what they have learned for the whole week. There are so many ways I might use blog in my classroom.