Wednesday, December 15, 2010

 I never thought I will find this dance here in American. This dance is from Hagati-Maguu close to my village. This is the kind of dance I enjoyed dancing when I was growing up at Matuta village. I love this, I hope you will enjoy it too.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Resorces for Students of Poverty

The Effects of Poverty on Teaching and Learning

By Karen M. Pellino

The Effects of Poverty on Teaching and Learning
Brain-Based Research, Learning and Poverty 

Cognitive Skills Instruction

This article is about how teachers can help students develop their cognitive skills. Very important (in my opinion) 

Language Policy for Education and Development in Tanzania

by Eleuthera Sa: Swarthmore College

Strategies Used for Phonics Instruction in Early Childhood Classrooms: By Lesley Mandel Morrow and Diane H. Tracey

How to provide feedback to students

Effective Teaching Strategies in Higher Education/ Phi Kappa

 Family Poverty, Welfare Reform, and Child Development 

The Mechanisms Mediating the Effects of Poverty on Children's Intellectual Development
Authors: Guang Guo and Kathleen Mullan Harris

Five Models of Staff Development
Authors: Dennis Sparks and Susan Loucks-Horsley (Fall 1989 vol. 4). A journal of Staff Development

 Developing Practice, Developing Practitioners: Toward a Practice-Based Theory of Professional Education
By Deborah Loewenberg Ball and David K. Cohen

The Impact of Lifelong Learning on Poverty Reduction
by Ricardo Sabates

Discipline by Design
11 Techniques for Better Classroom Discipline

Children and the Long-Term Effects of Poverty
by the Connecticut Commission on Children

How Much Does Childhood Poverty Affect the Life Chances of Children?
by Greg J. Duncan, W. Jean Yeung, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Judith R. Smith (June, 1998 Vol. 63,No. 3

Parents as Teachers, How Lower-Class and Middle-Class Mothers Teach.
By Hess, Robert: Shipman, Virginia

Early Blocks to Children's Learning
by Robert D. Hess and Virginia Shipman

Portraits Success: Motivating Today's Students 

Teacher's Expectations for Students 

Assessment - Cached

Classroom Assessment Techniques
by Thomas A. Angelo and K. Patricia Cross 

A Model of Effective Instruction: Center for Research on the Education of Students Placed at Risk
Johns Hopkins University
by Robert E. Slavin

Brain Development in Early Childhood

Understanding and Working with Students and Adults from Poverty
By Ruby K. Payne

Readings on the Development of Children.

Closing the Achievement Gap: Executive Summary
by Gerald A. Lieberman, Ph.D. and Linda L. Hoody, M.A

Poverty and Payne: Supporting Teachers to Work with Children of Poverty
Psychological Trauma and the Developing Brain: Neurologically

Inside the Black Box: Raising Standards Through Classroom Assessment
by Paul Black and Dylan Wiliam

Using Classroom Assemessnt to Improve Teaching

Poverty and Childhood
by Jerome S. Bruner

The Effects of Poverty on Children

Maximizing the Adult Learning Experience
by Vicky Dornbush, Principal Consultant, Epick Practice

30 Things we Know for Sure About Adult Learning
by Ro and Susan Zemke

Education Leadership: The Continuum of Teacher Learning

Research-Based Strategies

Methods of Motivational Teaching
By John M. Malouff, Sally E. Rooke, Nicola S. Schutte

The Concept of Formative Assessment
By Carol Boston

A Model of Effective Instruction
By Robert E. Slavin

Half of Standard Seven Pupils Illiterate in Tanzania
By Subira Kaswaga

Government Moves to Ease Shortage of Teachers
By Samuel Kamndaya

Tanzania: Defiant Science Teachers Weaken Education
By Bilham Kimati

The 10,000 Girls Program (Senegal, West Africa)
Viola Vaughn

The Effects of Poverty on Child Health and Development
By J. Lawrence Aber, Neil G. Bennett, Dalton C. Conley, Jiali Li

Poverty and Learning: Nine Powerful Practices
By Ruby Payne

New Directions for Educating the Children of Poverty
Vol. 48. No. 1. September 1990

The Achievement Gap
By Richard Rothstein

The Effects of Poverty on Children's Socioemotional Development: An Ecological Systems Analysis
 By Mary Keegan Eamon
The Effects of Poverty on Children 
By Jeanne Brooks-Gunn and Greg J. Duncan

The Pedagogy of Poverty Versus Good Teaching 
By Martin Haberman

A case Study: Leadership and its Effect on Achievement of Children from Poverty in a Rural Setting
By Marilyn Dishman Horst, Barbara N. Martin

Developing Multiple Intelligences in Young Learners 

Does Poverty Affect Childhood Language and Literacy Development?
Effective Teaching Methods
The Effects Poverty has on Cognitive Development in Elementary School

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Discipline by Design: Four Steps for Better Classroom Discipline

Painless Improvement Strategies within Reach
Leading Assessment for Learning: Using Classroom Assessment in School Improvement

Pictorial Illustrations Still Improve Students' Learning From Text

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Each day when I wake up I have new ideas on how to help the Tanzania children and young mothers to read. Sometimes I get so excited and sometimes I fear because of my so many ideas. What if I will not be able to do the things I will enjoy doing. Well, if God wants me to serve his people He better make it possible and give me the opportunity.

Currently, I have been thinking about the limitation of resources in our schools in Tanzania. I have been telling people how hard it is for a Tanzanian student to buy a pen or pencil or a book to read. I have been telling people that our village schools have no libraries, and therefore children do not read. Some of my friends thought it is imposable for a school to exist without library. However, that is the reality of out schools in Tanznaia.

Summer of 2010, Diane Waste was teaching some of the administration courses, and it happen I took two classes to her. At the end of both courses we had to give a presentation. In my presentation I included the idea of starting a library in the school I will be administrating, and how the library will benefit the village people. In the presentation there were so many ideas that I mentioned I wanted to do when I go back to Tanzania. Mrs Waste told me that, "do one idea at the time do not try to do all of them together." She and my classmates gave me many other ideas.

The Idea of starting a library never went away in my mind, it kept pushing me so hard. One morning I woke up just like other mornings. At about 10:30, I heard a page "Sr. Redempta telephone line 3" it was Diane, she said, do you remember on your presentation you said you want to start a library? I said yes!!! Diane said "I CAN HELP YOU" I did not believe if she was telling me that she can help. Diane started collecting books right away. She told different people if they can donate a book for children in Tanznaia. She went to Griffin Elementary School and talked to the administrator, Greg Woods, he thought it was good idea for students to help as well. Excellent, Excellent, Excellent!!!!!! A DREAM COME TRUE.

December 07, 2010, I was invited to visit the Griffin Elementary School and meet all students, administrators, and staff. I told them about Tanzania, out people, our schools and the need of having a library. All of them were sooooooooo excited. The community of Griffin is collecting books for the children, young mothers, fathers and everyone of Songea, particularly at the villages of MAGAGURA, LUSONGA, MASANGU, NAKAHENGWA, MLALE AND FAMASI. The students of St. Agnes also will use those books, however, they will be the teachers of children who do not know how to read and write.
This is the time when I relize that DREAMS CAN COME TRUE, but you have to dream it first. I just pray that the cycle of poverty will come to the end in our coutry, and that is what motivates me to work so harder.
I should proculam very loud what I saw at Griffin Elementary School. 99% of good behavior of students. These students, teachers, administrators, without forgeting Chris Wolfe, the librarian, who is also organizing the book project with the help of the principal Greg Woods were so present. Can you believe, Kindergatens are also in this project? They are ready to give and make change in this world. Seeing how these children work together, helping the third world children, tears were about to come out but I hold them back, for I did not want them to see me cry. However, in the evening on my reflection and prayers, I let them come out for about 15 minutes. Now I know Griffin is joining the world to create a brighter future for our children in third world. This time is for the Children of Songea.